bill berry

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1700 Vaccinations Today

I received my first dose of COVID-19 vaccine this morning, courtesy of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, their friendly staff, and their well-organized queueing operation. I’m feeling fortunate and also recognizing this is a challenging logistical problem to solve.


  • I learned about today’s free drive-in vaccination event from Tacoma Pierce County Health Department‘s (TPCHD) informative Daily COVID-19 email (subscription link near the bottom of the page). The available appointments disappeared quickly.
  • I was able to schedule an appointment and TPCHD confirmed my date and time via email.
  • After I was vaccinated today, TPCHD let me know that they would contact me again by email to schedule my second shot in four weeks.
  • Up-to-date COVID-19 info is available on the TPCHD website.