April 15, 2012. Our first visit to Jazz Alley. Waiting for The Real McCoy. That would be McCoy Tyner. Not sure who was on bass. Thinking it might have been; oh wait, let me go find out:
Bb’s Journal Notes
Ballad For Aisha - 4/15/12
McCoy Tyner !! @ Jazz Alley!! with Gary Bartz!! on Alto, Francisco Mela on drums. Not sure who’s playing bass – don’t know the name.
Opened with Fly with the Wind, I think. Awesome! McCoy wrote Ballad for Aisha for his wife, who’s in the audience tonight. McCoy said they’ve been together since they were teenagers. (Not the only such couple in the house!!!)
McCoy looks frail when walking but sounds like the Real McCoy when playing.
I’m Living the Dream!!
I love seeing McCoy smile at Francisco and vice versa. Cool interaction. Everyone is Present. Right. Here. Right. Now!
Moment’s Notice!
Suddenly popped up. There it is!
Lot’s of young kids in the audience!
Blues on the Corner!! – McCoy sits out for two choruses of Gary’s solo, then BAM!! Then he does it again.
The bass plays along with part of the melody. Gerald Cannon?!
Solo Piano –> For All We Know
Francisco Mela is a revelation!!
In a Mellow Tone! (No Peresina???? Oh, welly welly!)
Walk Spirit. Talk Spirit.
Great memory. I’m so glad I documented it, most likely journaling during the concert (which may explain why my only photograph is above???).
McCoy Tyner is the musician I’ve seen the most during my lifetime. I really love him. I’m sad he’s no longer with us, but his music and memory live on.