Mount Rainier Sunrise Before the Shadow Appeared

“Things will get better,” he explained…

Hip-Hop Group Tag Team: “Scoop, There It Is!”

I almost lost it!

Mount Rainier Sky Shadow

While Mount Rainier often casts her shadow against the sky by blocking the sun, this is the first time I’ve taken a photo where I can see that happening (zoom in for the detail).

iPhone New Year

My iPhone curates and shows me a different group of my photos every day, and these are from my current set.

  • It’s New Year’s Day, and I’ll be making me some rolls!
  • I crave me some Pasta Moon. Alas, coronavirus makes a visit impossible. And while I don’t make resolutions, I resolve to eat a lot less pasta this month to reduce the poundage. Plus, I need room for the rolls mentioned above.
  • We miss Mo and have gone a whole year without being in his presence, except virtually, of course.

Goodbye, 2020! Let’s hope 2021 is better! That’s all.